Home OTT The new series ‘Kaala Paani’ on Netflix is engrossing, a saga of...

The new series ‘Kaala Paani’ on Netflix is engrossing, a saga of mankind’s struggle for survival.


Created and co-directed by Sameer Saxena, this series is a truly moving and fast-pace series, of the events that occur when a mysterious disease breaks out on an island.

After going through COVID, one can relate to such a disease easily. Mona Singh, plays the fantastic doctor whose tagline is, “it’s always the simplest explanation that is true.” With a short yet impactful role, she stood out in the series.

The series takes place in the Andaman & Nicobar Islands, where the disease starts from. A town festival is coming and in the interest of the common man and to promote tourism, the faculties decide to negate the warning signs. A corrupt police officer Ketan Kamat, who is liaisoning for Atom, forces the authorities to give the green flag.

The tribe Oraka bursts the pipelines of Atom and an epidemic hits the affected areas. A lockdown is imposed, all flights are cancelled and the island is cut off from the world.

The series is thought provoking and touches upon human psyche. Each one of us acts differently in tough times and there is no right or wrong. Biswapati Sarkar has scripted the human dilemma beautifully. With every twist, each character has to make a bold choice which could be harsh.

A really relatable series, which reminds us how powerful nature is. A futuristic series set in the year 2027, this series had me hooked.

Watch it on Netflix.


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