Home Lifestyle Top five seeds for best skin benefits

Top five seeds for best skin benefits

Skin Benefits

Skin is an important organ of our body and therefore it’s important for us to keep it healthy not just from outside but from inside as well.

Some internal Factors like aging, hormonal changes, genetics, unhealthy eating, dulls and damages the skin from within. It further brings out acne, wrinkle and dryness in the skin. Factors such as smoking, Drinking, Dehydration, stress also harms the skin.

There are some external factor like sun exposure, tanning, over washing face bring out dryness and damages the skin externally.

Healthy eating brings out the natural glow of the skin. There are five seeds that helps in brightening and radiating of skin from within and will help you get rid of skin damages. All this seeds have multiple health benefits and is a must to include in your daily diet.

  • Chia Seeds

Chia Seeds are very rich in nutrients with very few calories. These seeds are loaded with ample of antioxidants and omega-3 fatty acids which helps in conditions like Depression, asthma, and autoimmune diseases. Chia seeds have immense of Protein, Vitamins, Fiber and Calcium which helps in skin benefits like healthy and glowing skin. This seed can be included in the diet along with yogurt and puddings.

  • Sunflower Seeds

Sunflower Seeds are high with zinc, vitamin A, B1 and E. These seeds are also rich in copper magnesium and iron which helps in cop up with skin aging and skin damaging. It helps in skin nourishment and makes the skin super healthy. Sunflower seeds can be eaten raw or by dry roasting it.

  • Flax Seeds

Flax seeds have healthy nutrients that contains elements like magnesium, chlorophyll, iron and vitamin E and fats. This seeds are best to fight against skin problems like pimples, acne and inflammation. It carries out the radiation of skin and nourishment of the skin naturally.

  • Pumpkin Seeds

Pumpkin Skin is highly rich in zinc and vitamin E that helps in wounds healing and improvement on skin tone. These seeds have zinc helps in immunity boosting. The vitamins and fatty acid helps in skin renewal and skin repair. It also helps in maintaining of skin moisture. It gives youthful presence to the skin and provides with natural glow.

  • Hemp Seeds

Hemp Seeds play a key role in clearing the skin tone and providing an even skin tone with natural glow. It helps in fighting with aging of skin. It is high with magnesium, chlorophyll, iron and vitamin E and therefore it also helps in nourishment of the skin.

All this seeds are high in antioxidants that helps in purifying the skin internally by bringing out the natural glow and nourishment. This seeds can be eaten raw or can be mixed with other food as well. It is important to take less quantity if eaten raw and its necessary to chew properly so that is does not cause Stomach Ace.


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