Home Lifestyle Four signs that your Partner is missing you

Four signs that your Partner is missing you


When you are truly in love, and you carry a great bond missing your partner becomes a natural emotion. Sometimes your partner misses you without admitting it. Sometimes I miss you speak less because saying it in today’s society is very normal; instead, observe your partner’s behaviour to determine whether or not what he or she said about missing you is genuine.

When it comes to emotions, the human mind works differently because no matter how hard you try to hide your emotions towards your partner, it always comes out in some form or another. Even if you don’t want to admit it, your body language says it all. You end up giving some sort of hint, and this signs clearly says that your partner is missing you.

Here are four signs that your partner is missing you:-

  • When they talk more

When you are having a conversation via chat or phone call, and your partner is giving instant replies or attempting to bring up a new topic or continuing with his ongoing topic and attempting to talk more, then it is a clear indication that he is missing you. When your partner asks you about your day or how you’ve been, or when they want to know more about you, he is most likely to be missing you.

  • When they likes and comments on your social media posts

If your partner is stalking you and watching all of your social media stories by giving lovely reactions to them, and he/she is also liking and commenting on all of your posts, then they are clearly missing you. He/she is looking into your life through your social media, which indicates that he also wants to meet you badly.

  • They get little jealous and possessive

When you hang out or go out with your friends but not with your partner, it may cause them jealousy and possessiveness, indicating that they miss you and want to meet you. When they wait for your text, whether you arrived home safely or not, or what you did all day, this cute jealousy and possessiveness gesture could be a sign that they are missing you.

  • When they drunk-dials you

When he/she is drunk and feels the need to talk to someone, and you are the first to receive a text or call, you are very important to them. If they send you pictures of themselves and any pictures from their party on a regular basis, all they want is for you to see what they’re up to. Even if they call or text you after getting drunk and talk about almost everything and try to be honest with you, he or she is missing you and attempting to form a stronger bond with you.


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