Home Lifestyle Certain habits that rob you of your peace and joy.

Certain habits that rob you of your peace and joy.


We are a sum total of things we repeatedly do. If we practice joy and happiness, we will become that, if we are under constant stress or keep complaining, that will become our nature.

There are certain habits we must let go of- read on.

  1. FOCUSSING ON HOW LIFE SHOULD BE- If life throws lemons at you, try to make lemonade. We must all remember response is powerful and this is what has the power to shape us. There’s no right way in life, we just have to accept all that we cannot change and move ahead with gratitude.
  2. SELF- FORGIVENESS- Forgive yourself for the wrong decisions you have taken. Don’t be too harsh on yourself.
  3. ACCEPT NEW IDEAS AND CHANGE- Don’t stop learning, don’t be too fixated on how life should be, be willing to accept new ideas, situations and try things in a different matter.
  4. CONSTANTLY SEEKING FLEETING CONTENTMENT- There are two dynamics in life- fleeting and enduring satisfaction. The fleeting type is derived from material comfort, temporary joys and the enduring one lasts. Try not to settle for less, don’t exchange what you want most for a temporary satisfaction.
  5. ALWAYS WORRYING ABOUT EVERYONE ELSE’S STORY- Don’t just go by the stories of others, believe in your own. Make yourself a priority. Respect yourself, take care of you, be your own best friend. Take one day at a time, you are worthy, you can and you will do it.


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