Home Viral A viral video demonstrates what the Chinese driving exam is like to...

A viral video demonstrates what the Chinese driving exam is like to walk on eggshells


Everyone is talking about a video that went viral on social media that demonstrates how a driving test is performed in China. This movie from China, which depicts the various challenges the driver must overcome to pass the test, may give you the chills if you dread taking your driver’s license exam. Driver’s license exam station in China, released the video on Twitter by a user going by the handle Tansu Yegen.

In the video, a person is shown driving their automobile inside the drawn lines, taking care not to touch the white line, along a course with several hazards. The vehicle can be seen parking, pulling an eight, and even going backward.

The beginning of the video showed the automobile making a zigzag path. The motorist was then spotted parking and backing up the car. At this point, one of the five people who were standing next to the car moved to the other side to see if the driver had touched any outlines.

Shortly after, the motorist was observed doing an eight before turning around and taking a lengthier route that involved climbing and descending a track. One of the toughest maneuvers for rookie drivers is parallel parking, which was finally accomplished by the driver.

While the video astounded many, others were left wondering how long it takes to obtain a driver’s license in China.


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