Home Lifestyle Adopt the Japanese philosophy of “ikigai” and see the change in your...

Adopt the Japanese philosophy of “ikigai” and see the change in your life.


Life has become challenging at some point in time, we feel overwhelmed by the pressure. To best the stress, try ikigai- the philosophy that integrates work, hobbies, love and wellness into one’s daily lives.

You need to pen down four lists- what you are good at, what the world needs, what you love and what you can be paid for. Finding the intersection of these 4 lists, is your ikigai- the reason for being. Ikigai tries to intertwine all four.

Some key points to consider and focus are, firstly to take responsibility for your own life. External circumstances have a hold over you, only if you let them. We all need to take charge of our own life, simply put, empower your own self.

Secondly, whatever is normal/ true, should not be dictated by external influences. Make a conscious choice to prioritize to smile, be happy, reconnect with nature and live in the moment. Stop regretting the past and fearing the future. Today is all we have, lets make the most out of it.

Purpose is a central theme of ikigai, something we can develop and feel when we do the things we care about and contribute to our work and those around us. We don’t always have to be the best version of ourselves, just be truthful.

Try to find your passion, make it your mission, see if it can be your profession. Having a fulfilling life will benefit you immensely.


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