Home Celebs Akansha Ranjan Kapoor Saves 14 Bunnies from Captivity, Secures Forever Homes for...

Akansha Ranjan Kapoor Saves 14 Bunnies from Captivity, Secures Forever Homes for All


Actor Akansha Ranjan Kapoor, a vivid animal lover and wildlife conservationist, recently rescued 14 little rabbits who were kept in a cage by a pet dealer. The actress is quite active in terms of animal rights and her love for animals has been quite evident. Recently, she rescued 14 rabbits from a pet store where they were kept under a cage.

Well, this is not the first time that Akansha has rescued animals kept illegally at the shops by pet breeders. When she saw a shopkeeper storing the rabbits in a tiny cage, she bought them all and rescued them. She then posted a story on Instagram appealing to adopt the little cute bunnies stating, “Hiii guys, I’ve rescued 14 bunnies from this terrible store that kept them caged up… have found boarding for 2 of them.. pls let me know of any big safe spaces where I can set them free / anyone who’d like to adopt. They’re angels… adding photos.. DM me, please!!!

Well, Akansha’s efforts surely helped these bunnies as they found their home forever. Posting the update on her next Instagram story, she revealed, “UPDATE: Found all 14 a beautiful forever home at the Taj Wellington Mews in Colaba! In this huge lawn where they don’t need to be separated and can all run free and be happy forever n ever!!”


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