Home Lifestyle Are you afflicted with PCOS? Here’s how to increase your fertility and...

Are you afflicted with PCOS? Here’s how to increase your fertility and become pregnant.


PCOS, or polycystic ovarian syndrome, is a hormonal disease that causes the ovaries to enlarge and create tiny cysts on the borders. This might result in irregular or extended menstrual cycles, excessive hair growth, acne, and obesity. If not addressed promptly, PCOS can lead to reproductive concerns in more acute cases.

PCOS might make women worry about their reproductive health. Ovulation can be hampered by the hormonal disorder, which causes greater amounts of male hormones called androgens. As a result, getting pregnant becomes even more difficult.

PCOS, on the other hand, does not always indicate that women are unable to conceive. PCOS may be greatly reversed with correct medication, professional assistance, and a healthy lifestyle, boosting one’s chances of becoming pregnant and having a healthy pregnancy. Here are some options for you.

Losing weight might be difficult for those suffering with PCOS. While weight gain or being overweight is not a symptom experienced by all women afflicted with the illness, it is one of several. Excess insulin encourages fat storage and increases appetite, leading to weight gain, since PCOS makes it difficult for the body to utilize insulin properly. Insulin is a hormone that helps the body convert sugars and carbohydrates from meals into energy. This, in turn, may have an impact on female fertility.

However, losing weight and decreasing insulin levels might help you become more fertile. According to research, decreasing 5% of one’s body weight can help women regain regular ovulation and menstruation.

When you have PCOS, you’re likely to be stressed. Given the plethora of complications linked with the illness, such as weight gain, irregular menstruation cycles, skin problems, and infertility, stress is certain to arise, exacerbating the situation.

Furthermore, prolonged stress can cause anovulation and irregular menstruation, implying that it is linked to reproductive problems. Excessive stress can induce a rise in cortisol levels, a hormone that raises blood sugar levels, leading to a slew of additional health problems.

Relaxing activities such as yoga, meditation, and massages are the greatest ways to reduce stress. Allow your mind to rest by not putting too much strain on it.


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