Home BTS World BTS Army raises over 20 Lakhs for COVID-19 Relief!

BTS Army raises over 20 Lakhs for COVID-19 Relief!

BTS Army

There is no doubt that the BTS Army is a wide and supporting fandom. In the past, they have helped BTS achieve some brilliant feats and now, they have extended their support to humanitarian causes. The Indian army has taken matters in their own hands and decided to help the COVID patients in India.

In less than 24 hours, the indian BTS Army has managed to raise over 20 lakh rupees to help India in battling this deadly disease. On April 23rd, at 9.30 PM IST, the BTS’ Army account took to twitter and opened up a fundraiser. BANGTAN INDIA, a BTS fan account posted a donation link on their twitter account, asking people from all over the world to donate for this helpful cause. The action plan was to raise a good amount of money and then supply oxygen cylinders and medical supply deliveries. They also decided to fund the food that is supplied to the poor. Since then, a page was maintained to track the amount of money received and how it was being distributed among the country.

This was on April 23rd and by April 24th (8 PM IST), the BTS Army had managed to raise over 20 lakh rupees for COVID-19 relief!


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