Home Lifestyle Checklist of health issues for women over 40 that you should be...

Checklist of health issues for women over 40 that you should be aware of


Our general health is influenced by a number of variables, such as our genes and the lifestyle decisions we make. Our bodies alter gradually as the years go by. As women become older, it can also be an indication that preventative measures need to be taken for lifestyle illnesses and other problems. Perimenopause symptoms first appear in women in their 40s.

The hormonal changes brought on by this are the cause of conditions like sleep disorders, hot flashes, weight gain, etc., which in turn bring about emotional changes as well, according to Dr. Ameya Kulkarni-Kanakiya, a gynaecologist and the head of health outcomes and programmes of a digital wellness app for women. Women become more susceptible to vaginal dryness, vaginal and urinary infections when oestrogen levels fall because there is less lubrication in the vagina. Preventative measures and early checkups can help in this situation. Knowing what to expect will help you make healthy lifestyle adjustments, and routine health checks can reduce the danger that these disorders provide.

tests for women who reach 40

Diabetes detection

Women are just as likely to develop type 2 diabetes as males due to sedentary lifestyles and high-stress work settings. The frequency of the test is dependent on your risk factors. However, it is advised that you have the test frequently if your weight is greater than average, if you have abdominal obesity, or if the illness runs in your family (within the gap of a few months).

Test of blood pressure

High blood pressure, often known as hypertension, can result in life-threatening diseases including heart attack, renal failure, stroke, etc. It is recommended to regularly check your blood pressure because women over 40 are more likely to have excessive blood pressure.

Test for cholesterol

Significant risk factors for high cholesterol include lifestyle, family history, and various medical problems. Additionally, type 2 diabetes increases “bad” cholesterol and the risk of heart disease. Every year, cholesterol testing should be performed.

A breast exam

The second most frequent malignancy in women is breast cancer. And all it takes to identify any such malignancies and catch them early on is a routine “self” breast examination, in addition to an annual physical checkup by a doctor and a mammogram.

Eye examination

Every year, a woman should get her eyes checked, especially if she has diabetes, high blood pressure, or a family history of eye problems.


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