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Heartfelt Lifestyle concerns

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The alarming rise in the prevalence of heart disease in India in recent years can be attributed to a stressful and westernized lifestyle (high fat diet, lack of physical activity, smoking, and excessive alcohol use). It has also been linked to the development of heart attacks in people as young as 30 or 40 years old. Unless remedial actions and healthy habits are implemented, the situation will continue to develop. Also, better treatment for acute heart attacks has reduced mortality, but it can lead to heart failure if the heart muscle is severely damaged. Viral infections, diabetes, hypertension, valvular heart disease, and excessive alcohol use can all cause heart failure.

The present Covid epidemic has had a significant influence on daily living, which can be harmful to the heart. Regular exercise has been difficult for many people, especially the elderly, due to Covid limitations and fear. The majority of software professionals now work from home, which has had an impact on their physical and mental health, as well as their heart. Obesity, hypertension, diabetes, and metabolic syndrome are all on the rise, and this may be directly linked to the present pandemic situation. The impact of this will not be felt until later years, when the incidence of heart disease rises.

Because of stress and, in many situations, peer pressure, smoking has become considerably more popular. Smoking cessation has been linked to significant long-term benefits. Individuals can and should seek professional assistance, such as nicotine patches and psychiatric counselling, to assist them in quitting.

This is most likely one of the most challenging issues to solve. Individuals should strive for a healthy work-life balance and avoid overextending themselves at the expense of their health. We must understand that, while we are easily replaceable at business, we are irreplaceable at home. We should make every effort to spend time with our families and friends. Work-related discussions should be avoided at these occasions.

Rather of rigorous diets, simple eating regimens should be followed. This food regimen should be implemented over a lengthy period of time rather than a short period of time. Avoiding consuming outside food is a simple first step. To please one’s taste senses, one might prepare a variety of cuisines at home. Cooking may also be a stress reliever in and of itself. Excessive salt consumption should be avoided. Avoid fried meals and sweets by eating plenty of fruits and vegetables.


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