Home Lifestyle Natural summer fruit packs for healthy glowing skin

Natural summer fruit packs for healthy glowing skin

summer fruit packs

Summers are the best time to grab fresh fruits and include them in your daily diet. Save a portion of fresh fruits and pamper your skin to achieve soft, smooth and supple skin.  

Here are some face packs mentioned which will help you to get glowing skin:

  • Watermelon

Watermelon is filled with antioxidants that slow down the process of ageing. Watermelon is 90% water which hydrates the skin from within. 

Take a few cubes of watermelon and extract juice out of it. With the help of a cotton ball apply the juice on your face and let it stay for 10-15 minutes and then wash it off with cold water. 

  • Papaya

Papaya will help you to get soft and smooth skin. Papaya is rich in vitamin A and E and has exfoliating properties that will slow down the aging process as it reduces fine lines and wrinkles. 

Take one cup of papaya and 1 tablespoon honey and 1 tablespoon of milk. Mix all the ingredients properly to obtain a thick paste. Apply this pack all over your face and neck for 15 minutes and rinse it off with cold water. 

  • Banana

Banana helps to slow down the aging process as it contains vitamin B6, vitamin C, manganese and copper. It also helps to get rid of dark spots, scars, removes blemishes and improves the texture of the skin. 

Mash a banana and apply it on the face. Apply it for 15 minutes and rinse it off with cold water.

  • Tomato 

Tomato acts as a natural exfoliate for the skin; it helps to remove dead cells and makes the skin glow from within. It contains natural antioxidants which helps to close the open pores and also protects your skin from harmful UV rays.  

summer fruit packs

Take one tomato, extract juice out of it and mix it with 1 tablespoon of honey till you get a thick paste.  Apply this mixture on your face and neck for 15 minutes and wash it off with cold water.

  • Cucumber

The water content in cucumber helps to get you soft and supple skin. Cucumber also has nutrients like potassium, sulphate, silica, antioxidants and vitamin A, K and C. 

Take a fresh cucumber and blend it until you get a smooth texture. Add milk and sugar to it and mix them well. Apply this pack for 15 minutes on your face and neck then wash it off with cold water.  

Tips for glowing skin

  1. Always keep yourself hydrated. It will help to remove toxins from your body giving you glowing skin.
  2.  Apply sunscreen before stepping out of your house; this will prevent your skin from harmful UV rays.
  3. Eat healthy food and fresh fruits rich in vitamins, minerals and antioxidants. 
  4. Make sure to remove your makeup before going to bed. Never sleep with makeup on your face as it will result in breakouts. 
  5. Exercise regularly.

Also Read – Health benefits of having Ayurveda’s elixir- Giloy


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