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Sajni Shinde ka viral video- a good watch on Netflix!


I chanced upon this movie on Netflix and with nothing more promising that I could spot, I switched on this one.

Radhika Madan, plays the role of a superb teacher in a prestigious school of Pune. She is a simpleton, a hard-working girl and is a person who is loved by all. The school sends a few teachers and children for a competition in Singapore. On the eve of her birthday, everyone around insists she have some fun. After a few shots, she gets slightly drunk and is dancing her heart out.

A video of hers dancing, as society calls it, “an inappropriate video”, gets uploaded by mistake and the hue and cry within her family, school and society begins. Her fiance’ refuses to talk to her and her family can’t stop blaming her for maligning their name. The next day, a suicide note is found blaming her father, fiancé and her school principal for harassing her and the step she had to take.

Nimrat Kaur, the lead investigating officer, leaves no stone unturned to find Sajni and what really happened. Her dialogues are rock solid and the movie brings to light, how everyone is so ready to judge the other person.

Women are expected to be the perfect girls, coy, shy and within their limits. The movie had me hooked and I really did enjoy watching it. See it on Netflix!


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