Home Lifestyle Which direction is best for sleeping—east, south, west, or north?

Which direction is best for sleeping—east, south, west, or north?


Experts consistently emphasize the need of getting a good night’s sleep for the proper operation of our mind and body, whether they are using Ayurveda or modern science. This is due to the fact that sleep deprivation may negatively affect your health and increase your chance of developing major disorders including heart disease, diabetes, hypertension, and mental health problems, among others. Ayurveda advises paying close attention to the direction you are sleeping in addition to making sure you are getting a suitable amount of sleep.

Dr. Arun Gopinath, Senior Medical Officer, Kerala Ayurveda, highlighted the significance of sleep in Ayurveda by stating that farmers frequently leave their fields fallow so that the land can regenerate and regain its lost richness. Similar to this, sleep is the time when we refresh and restore our senses for a new day and fruitful work. Nidra, or sleep, is so important to Ayurveda that it is one of the three Traya Upasthambhas, or “pillars of life,” together with eating, or Ahara, and sexual behavior, or Brahmacharya.

Nevertheless, despite all of its advantages, a lot of individuals have trouble falling asleep soundly. While we frequently attribute it to lifestyle circumstances, we pay little attention to the direction in which we sleep, which may have a big influence on the quality of our sleep as well as our health. Dr. Gopinath noted that the Ayurvedic literature Anandakanda specifies the proper sleeping positions for a night of deep, peaceful sleep.

Is there also a terrible way to sleep? Ayurvedic professionals advised staying away from facing north when sleeping, just as the south is said to be the greatest orientation for sleeping. This is so that the positive poles of the earth and our bodies, which resist one another, coincide when we sleep northward. As a result, you will experience nightmares and restless nights, according to Dr. Gopinath.


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