Home Hollywood Hollywood nepotism is unavoidable, but wealthy celebrities must accept it

Hollywood nepotism is unavoidable, but wealthy celebrities must accept it


Since its inception, Hollywood has been rife with nepotism, with many actors, singers, and models benefiting from the success of their family members. The concept of criticizing it rather than embracing it has been increasingly popular in recent years.

Being related to another famous person or a successful Hollywood executive isn’t always a bad thing. Many talented actors come from a long history of successful performers, but ignoring the advantages and benefits that come with nepotism would be a disservice to those who achieve success on their own.

Franklin Leonard, a film executive, had a Twitter debate with actor Ben Stiller in 2021. (Nepotism baby of Jerry Stiller). Nepotism infants in Hollywood, according to Leonard, have the delusion that they got there on their own, without the support of their famous relatives.

“I would guess they’ve all had obstacles,” Stiller added, reinforcing the myth. Unlike others who do not have access to the industry.

Due to the abundance of possibilities merely being provided to the family members of previously famous stars, many excellent talents working their way through Hollywood remain unaccomplished.

No one is suggesting that nepotism babies don’t work hard or encounter obstacles; rather, the business is built more on who you know than on one’s real abilities and qualities.

Because it’s historically been difficult for performers of color to achieve the same nepotistic benefits in the profession, nepotism can force people of color to stay underrepresented in the media. Because of how racist Hollywood has historically and still been, many aspiring stars of color do not have renowned family to assist them out.

“I’m a product of nepotism, that’s how I got into it,” Bridges said in a Hollywood Reporter Roundtable. Although this is a significant step forward, Bridges should not be praised for just admitting his privilege.

Actors and other artists should be expected to admit to having a hand up in front of the audience, and they have a moral duty to do so. Any nepotistic infant who dismisses criticism of their privilege is just out of touch and unaware of how much more assistance they receive than others in the sector.


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