Home Bollywood “Aapki Uunchai hi aapki Saaransh hai,” said Anup Jalota to an emotional...

“Aapki Uunchai hi aapki Saaransh hai,” said Anup Jalota to an emotional actor Anupam Kher when the latter shared stage with Talat Aziz who sang Daddy’s


Aaaina Mujhse Meri Pehli Si Soorat Maange for Anupam Kher at the quaint familial gathering at Anup Jalota’s residence in celebration of Anup Jalota receiving the Sangeet Natak Akademi Awards.
The gathering included stalwarts of music world including Madhushree, Shailendra Singh, Dr. Soma Ghosh, Jaspinder Narula, Sanjay Tandon, Usha Timothy, Vivek Prakash, Robby Badal, Papon, Chandan Das, Shubhankar Ghosh, Nitin Mukesh, Sameer Date, Leena Bose, Deepak Pandit, Anuradha Pal amongst others
Anup Jalota in a zestful mood said that post Padma Shri for music, the award was for his natak and acting producing films.
Talat spoke of Anupam’s prowess as an actor and how he becomes the character himself.
Anupam replied saying sharing stage and humming a few lines with stalwarts like Talat and Anupam was nothing short of a Sangeet Natak Akademi Award. Touche!


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